Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to kindly inform you that the journal „folklor&edebiyat (ISSN: 1300-7491)” has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2019. From now on, the Editorial Staff and Publisher may use this information in their external communication.
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ICV 2019 = 79.12
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Scientific Journals Evaluation Team
Index Copernicus International
Tytul angielski:
ISSN: 1300-7491 (print)
DOI: 10.22559
Strona internetowa:
Halil Nadiri
Jezyki publikacji:
Zdeponowane publikacje: 98 Pelna tresc: 96% | Abstrakt: 100% | Slowa kluczowe: 100% | Referencje: 95%
Wydania i zawartosc
About: Our journal has printed and electronic formats. Folklore&Literature is a social publication that provides social services to contribute to the institutions and individuals engaged in scientific research as a publication of studies prepared in the academic field. The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English, and the titles, abstracts and key words of all printed articles, even in Turkish, are also available in English. Publication copyright contracts are not required for works uploaded to the system to be published in our journal. Workloads uploaded to the system are considered transferred. The author (or authors) accept this situation and they are included in this system of approval to act in accordance with the publication guidelines of the magazine. The author ( or authors) are unilaterally responsible for such issues as plagiarism, etc., not carried out in accordance with the relevant law and sent for publication in our journal and can be determined in accordance with the conditions specified in the other sections.
Journal owner: On behalf of Cyprus International University Prof. Dr. Halil NADİRİ RECTOR