Onyedi'den. Yirmidort'e: Bağlama Ailesi Çalgılar ve Geleneksel Perde Sistemi
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Yazar : Okan Murat Öztürk    
Türü : Araştırma Makalesi
Baskı Yılı : 2009
Sayı : 58
Sayfa : 63-88
1858    1084

Bu makalede, baglamada gi.inumi..izde kullamlmakta olan geleneksel perdelerin da­ yand1g1 ses sisteminin tarihsel ve i levsel bir analizi yapilmaktad1r. Yerel muzik veri::.. leri ve tarihsel metinlerin kar1latmlmas1 yoluyla geleneksel sistemdeki degi imin te­ mel gelime c;izgileri anlailmaya c;ali 1lm1t1r. Sonuc; olarak, gelenekte, muzik kultO­ rO ir;inde yer alan ve gelenegi temsil eden mi..izisyenlerin ihtiyac;lan dogrultusurida sO• . rekli bir degi im yaand1g1 ve bu degiimin, geleneksel perde sistemini de teorik ve pratik di..izeylerde etkilemi oldugu gori..ilmektedir. Bu degi imin bir sonucu olarak baglamalarm gelenekte sahip olduklari 17 aralikll sistemin, gunumlizde 24 aralık ve çeyrek tonlu bir sisteme dogru evrildigi anlatılmaktad1r.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Geleneksel Türk müizigi teorisi, oktav bölünmesi, geleneksel perde sistemi,

In this article includes a functional and historical discussion on development and relationships between theoretical octave division of traditional Turkish music and fret systems which are used on today's bag/ama (long necked Turkish folk lute). By comparison local usage of and historical writings on traditional frets, we try to understand to the main changing directions of traditional music and the main attitudes of traditi• onal musicians. J n sum,_ it's said that as a subject, "to change" has been in the heart of traditional music both theory and practice during its all historical periods. The rep.: resentatives of traditional music changed by the new necessities in practice therefore theoretical side of traditional music also were changed. As a result, today's baglama' have been evaluated to 24 quarter toned fret system although traditionally they have 17 intervals.

Traditional Turkish music theory, long lutes, octave division