Altay Türklerinde Yolculuk ile İlgili İnanışlar ve Ritüeller
(Beliefs And Rituals Related To Jorney in Altai Turks )

Yazar : Figen Güner Dilek    
Türü : Araştırma Makalesi
Baskı Yılı : 2015
Sayı : 84
Sayfa : 45-56
4690    4329

Altay Türkleri (Kumandı, Çalkandı, Tuba, Telengit, Teleüt, Altay Kişi) oldukça eski zamanlardan beri Altay Dağlarının vadilerinde ve nehir kıyılarında çeşitli boylar hâlinde yaşamaktadır. Çetin bir coğrafyada bulunmalarına ve sayıca az olmalarına rağmen ŞamanistikBu makalede, temel olarak Altay Türkleri tarafından gerçekleştirilen yolculukla ilgili uygulamalar; Sibirya’dan Anadolu’ya uzanan çizgi üzerinde bulunan diğer Türk-Moğol toplumlarından ve onlarla yıllardır birlikte yaşayan Ruslardan da konuyla ilgili örnekler sunularak ele alınmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Altay, Şamanizm, Yolculuk, Oboo, İye.

Altai Turks (Kumandy, Chalkandu, Tuba, Telengits, Teleuts, Altay Kiji) have been living in the valleys and river banks of Altai Mountains as various clans since the very early times. Although they are in a demanding geography and few in number, they have survived centuries and made it to the present time with the guidance of Shamanistic bonds, which have facilitated establishing harmony with nature. As a reflection of these bonds on the present time, the Altai people follow certain practices, rituals which consist of a series of actions, such as tying cloths to tree branches, placing stones, praying and making offerings prior to and during journeys, within the framework of ‘life-geography-belief’ trilogy. These actions in question are sometimes carried out near a holy tree or body of water, sometimes in worship areas which are surrounded with rubbles (oboo). It is highly important that all these practices, which Altai Turks carry out to take permission from the masters/master spirits. They believe to rule these areas, are duly done. In this article, basically Altai Turks’ practices about journeys have been dealt with through examples related to this subject from other Turk-Mongol communities which live on the line from Siberia to Anatolia and Russians who have been living with them for years as well.

Altai, Shamanism, Journeys, Oboo, Master Spirit.